

Mission statement:

The Middle East Society of Therapeutic Radiotherapy and Oncology (MESTRO) is a scientific non-profit society with overarching goal to implement international standards and practicesto improve the quality ofradiation oncology treatments and comprehensive care for patients afflicted withcancers in the Middle East. MESTRO promotes and facilitates the advancement of education, research, knowledge and awareness of radiotherapy in the Region through global collaboration and networking.

Education and Research:

MESTRO aims at promoting international standards of care through education and research in radiotherapy and clinical oncology. MESTRO education and research portfolio is managed by the MESTRO Scientific & Education Committee (SEC).

The SEC strongly engages industry and global experts to organize intensive courses on advanced radiotherapy techniques. Continuous Medical Education (CME) credits from the course hosting organization can be earned for maintenance of certification. Intensive course topics are proposed by members.Courseproposal must include a curriculum, list of faculties, time and periodicity, location, and the CME endorsement by the hosting organization. The proposal must be submitted to the MESTRO SEC6 months in advance to get MESTRO endorsement. This endorsement is annually renewed based on attendance statistics and feed-back from attendees, and the MESTRO SEC provide ssuggestions on how to improve the course.

The intensive courses cover the following aspects of radiotherapy and oncology:

  • Principles and practice of clinical radiotherapy and oncology, including radiation physics, technology, radiobiology, and oncology imaging aspects.
  • Multidisciplinary approach to cancer treatment, fostering communication among cancer-related medical sub-specialties and exchange ona wide range of issues related to cancer, including biology, prevention, diagnosis, staging, treatment, adverse side effects, palliative care, ethical-legal aspects, management, and psychosocial implications.
  • The intensive course favors in person meetings, though they always ensure e-learning for MESTRO members

In addition to the intensive courses, the SEC is also responsible for the MESTRO annual meeting organization, time and location selection, agenda, and promotion.

The annual meeting agenda includes keynote speakers, education with teaching lectures, update of radiation oncology status per country, update on radiation oncology global advances, and proffered paper sessions. The agenda reserves a significant amount of time for social interaction and discussion in front of posters to be led by young faculties and trainees.

The annual meeting is also the opportunity for collaborative groups of researchers to discuss prospective research or intensive course education project in dedicated parallel sessions.

MESTRO aims at developing and promoting regional research including multicenter clinical trials, medical physics, biology, health service or health economic research. To do so, the SEC is pursuing and enabling research agreements with Industry and global collaborative groups (e.g. NRG or EORTC) to secure funding, contribute and report results of world class research. It also enables training to research through dedicated crash course on article writing, biostatistics, and other research skills.

Organization structure

MESTRO includes a core Executive Committee, an operational Executive Committee, a mission enabling Scientific and Education committee, an advisory Committee of Regional Leaders, and executives ad hoc and standing committees. The MESTRO organizational chart is shown infra.

The MESTRO Board consists of Elected Members, Nominated Members and Founding Members. It meets quarterly and oversees the good health and growth of the Society.

To apply for the position of MESTRO Chair and Vice Chair, a candidate must have a sufficient academic track record as an oncologist, in term of publications, research funding or education of post graduate students, and/or administrative responsibilities. Candidates must be vetted by the MESTRO Board.

The MESTRO Executive Committee is the operating body reporting to the Board

The MESTRO Clinical and Technical Committeesare nominated by the Executive Committee. A typical Clinical and Technical Committee include members with expertise and skills in a specific field of Oncology or Physics.

The MESTRO Committeeof Regional Leaders is the advisory body to the Executive Committee of the Society.

Relevant bylaws changes will be discussed during the annual assembly and voted at the 2/3 attendees majority rule.