Interim MESTRO Board
Executive members:
- Chair: Dr. Saad Al Rashidi
- Vice Chair: Dr. Nadeem Pervez
- Past Chair: Prof. Ahmed Nadeem Abbasi
- Secretary: Dr. Reem Alomran
- Member: Dr. Maria Tariq
Nominated members:
- Treasurer: Prof. Al Kattan
- Chair of the MESTRO Scientific and Education Committee, Prof. Jean-Philippe Pignol
Interim MESTRO Executive Committee
- Chair: Dr. Saad Al Rashidi
- Vice Chair: Dr. Nadeem Pervez
- Chair of the MESTRO Scientific and Education Committee, Prof. Jean-Philippe Pignol
- Executive Assistant: Melchor Malavi
MESTRO Committee of Regional Leaders (in alphabetical order)
Egypt Representatives:
Iraq Representatives:
Jordan Representative:
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Representatives
Kuwait Representative:
Lebanon Representative:
Oman Representative:
Pakistan Representatives:
Qatar Rpresentative:
Turkey Representatives:
United Arab Emirates Representative: